Draft No. 4

March 2, 2023

There’s no denying that Adam Neumann is a magician of sorts. I’d otherwise have a hard time explaining how he can raise massive sums of money off good vibes

Neumann is an instantly likable guy — something I witnessed firsthand during my brief employment at his company circa 2016. But, even then, I had trouble understanding how WeWork – whose stated mission is “to elevate the world’s consciousness” – could be worth what it was. The markets couldn’t make sense of it either

February 15, 2023

You will likely need to raise money to build your startup. And it’s crucial to understand the role investors play once that happens. It’s tempting to think that your investors will magically transform your business into a success. Nothing is further from the truth. 

The basis of your relationship is cash. Investors have it, and you need it. They expect a hefty return in exchange. When they finance your startup, they believe in your idea, your team, and your opportunity to be successful. Any help they give you beyond that is supplemental…

February 3, 2023

If you're determined to build a startup, you ought to know that it's nothing like the glamorous tales you hear or read about. Founders don't simply stumble upon an idea, overcome a few hurdles, and then enjoy SUCCESS! Instead, they spend most of their time desperately searching for ways to keep their venture afloat. Unfortunately, most don't figure it out. The journey is a relentless pressure cooker filled with crushing stress, radical accountability, and constant uncertainty.

Emotionally, you'll bounce between euphoria and deep worry. One moment, you'll be brimming with unshakable confidence, certain that success is just around the corner. And the next, you'll feel like impending doom is mere moments away. You'll have to deal with terrible co-founders and watch deals slip through your fingers when you most desperately need them…

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